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<title>Servlet Examples</title>

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<b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <font size=+2>

<font size=+2> Servlet Examples with Code </font>
</font> </b>

<p>This is a collection of examples which demonstrate some of the more
frequently used parts of the Servlet API. Familiarity with the Java(tm)
Programming Language is assumed.

<p>These examples will only work when viewed via an http URL. They will
not work if you are viewing these pages via a "file://..." URL. Please
refer to the <i>README</i> file provide with this Tomcat release regarding
how to configure and start the provided web server.

<p>Wherever you see a form, enter some data and see how the servlet reacts.
When playing with the Cookie and Session Examples, jump back to the Headers
Example to see exactly what your browser is sending the server.

<p>To navigate your way through the examples, the following icons will


<td WIDTH="30"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" ></td>
<td>Execute the example</td>
<td WIDTH="30"><img SRC="images/code.gif" height=24 width=24></td>
<td>Look at the source code for the example</td>
<td WIDTH="30"><img SRC="images/return.gif" height=24 width=24></td>
<td>Return to this screen</td>

<p>Tip: To see the cookie interactions with your browser, try turning on
the "notify when setting a cookie" option in your browser preferences.
This will let you see when a session is created and give some feedback
when looking at the cookie demo.

<td>Hello World</td>

<a href="servlet/HelloWorldExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/HelloWorldExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="helloworld.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="helloworld.html">Source</a></td>

<td>Request Info</td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="servlet/RequestInfoExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/RequestInfoExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="reqinfo.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="reqinfo.html">Source</a></td>

<td>Request Headers</td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="servlet/RequestHeaderExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/RequestHeaderExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="reqheaders.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="reqheaders.html">Source</a></td>

<td>Request Parameters</td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="servlet/RequestParamExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/RequestParamExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="reqparams.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="reqparams.html">Source</a></td>


<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="servlet/CookieExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/CookieExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="cookies.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="cookies.html">Source</a></td>


<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="servlet/SessionExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP></a><a href="servlet/SessionExample">Execute</a></td>

<td WIDTH="30%"><a href="sessions.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a><a href="sessions.html">Source</a></td>

<p>Note: The source code for these examples does not contain all of the
source code that is actually in the example, only the important sections
of code. Code not important to understand the example has been removed
for clarity.

В этом индексном файле интересно то, что он довольно прост. В нем есть заголовок, текст и две таблицы. Особенно нам интересна вторая таблица. В ее ячейках есть картинки-ссылки и текстовые ссылки. При помощи этих ссылок можно как попасть на html-страницу, так и запустить на выполнение сервлет. Посмотрим как это делается.

Ссылка для запуска сервлета:

<a href="servlet/HelloWorldExample"><img SRC="images/execute.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 align=TOP> </a>
<a href="servlet/HelloWorldExample">Execute</a></td>

Ссылка для того, чтобы попасть на html-страницу:

<td WIDTH="30%">
<a href="helloworld.html"><img SRC="images/code.gif" HSPACE=4 BORDER=0 height=24 width=24 align=TOP></a>
<a href="helloworld.html">Source</a></td>

После того, как запущен Томкат, индексную страницу index.html надо запускать так:


Как выглядит эта страница в браузере (фрагмент), можно посмотреть на предыдущей странице.

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